I’m not a coffee drinker, but I do love my Chinese tea. For years I greeted each day with a steaming mug of tea on office table. But when I have some trouble of sleeping a few years ago with too much stress. I have to stop drinking tea and cut all the caffeine, but It is so difficult for me to have the boiled water only. The time without tea is so hard, until I found the vine tea moyeam.
I am fully falling in love with the vine tea, combination of bitterness and sweetness, caffeine free, good health properties. The flavor, like the life going, sweetness comes only after bitterness. I was also reaping the benefits of all those antioxidants and other magical compounds found in vine tea — I got to love it..
In truth, the vine tea moyeam is not tea at all. It’s not even a distant relative to the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). The vine tea moyeam is an herbal infusion made from a plant called Ampelopsis grossedentata, grows in 800-1950m hillside shrub or valley woodland in the south of China, The word moyeam is called for short of mao yan mei. The Mao Yan Mei river is the place which the vine tea moyeam is firstly discovered.
Vine tea moyeam is quite fit blending with fragrant spices, dried fruits and other flavors the same way that green teas are. Many of our friends prefer to blend the vine tea moyeam with lemon tea, black sugar tea, rose tea etc. They told me they are all good to access to health benefits. For me, I still would like to have the single vine tea moyeam only. It brings me not only the health benefits, but also it give so good taste.